Click here for a complete list of operations.
To test the operation using the HTTP POST protocol, click the 'Invoke' button.SOAP 1.1
The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /ws/OxygenZones.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: twilight.tntsports.io Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "http://twilight.sti.eurosport.tv/GetZoneEvenIfDynamic" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <GetZoneEvenIfDynamic xmlns="http://twilight.sti.eurosport.tv/"> <zoneId>int</zoneId> </GetZoneEvenIfDynamic> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResponse xmlns="http://twilight.sti.eurosport.tv/"> <GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResult> <Name>string</Name> <Description>string</Description> <IsHead>boolean</IsHead> <IsDynamic>boolean</IsDynamic> <PathInfo>string</PathInfo> <Category>string</Category> <SubCategory>string</SubCategory> <ZoneType>Classic or Menu or NeedsPageUrl or OAS or Aggregate or MayBeGeolocalized</ZoneType> <AcceptedMimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> </AcceptedMimeType> <Properties> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> </Properties> <QueryParams> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </QueryParams> <AvailableContexts> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> </AvailableContexts> <AggregatedProperty>None or Labels or Javascript or Css</AggregatedProperty> </GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResult> </GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP 1.2
The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /ws/OxygenZones.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: twilight.tntsports.io Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <soap12:Body> <GetZoneEvenIfDynamic xmlns="http://twilight.sti.eurosport.tv/"> <zoneId>int</zoneId> </GetZoneEvenIfDynamic> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <soap12:Body> <GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResponse xmlns="http://twilight.sti.eurosport.tv/"> <GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResult> <Name>string</Name> <Description>string</Description> <IsHead>boolean</IsHead> <IsDynamic>boolean</IsDynamic> <PathInfo>string</PathInfo> <Category>string</Category> <SubCategory>string</SubCategory> <ZoneType>Classic or Menu or NeedsPageUrl or OAS or Aggregate or MayBeGeolocalized</ZoneType> <AcceptedMimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> </AcceptedMimeType> <Properties> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> </Properties> <QueryParams> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </QueryParams> <AvailableContexts> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> </AvailableContexts> <AggregatedProperty>None or Labels or Javascript or Css</AggregatedProperty> </GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResult> </GetZoneEvenIfDynamicResponse> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>
The following is a sample HTTP GET request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
GET /ws/OxygenZones.asmx/GetZoneEvenIfDynamic?zoneId=string HTTP/1.1 Host: twilight.tntsports.io
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TwilightZone xmlns="http://twilight.sti.eurosport.tv/"> <Name>string</Name> <Description>string</Description> <IsHead>boolean</IsHead> <IsDynamic>boolean</IsDynamic> <PathInfo>string</PathInfo> <Category>string</Category> <SubCategory>string</SubCategory> <ZoneType>Classic or Menu or NeedsPageUrl or OAS or Aggregate or MayBeGeolocalized</ZoneType> <AcceptedMimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> </AcceptedMimeType> <Properties> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> </Properties> <QueryParams> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </QueryParams> <AvailableContexts> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> </AvailableContexts> <AggregatedProperty>None or Labels or Javascript or Css</AggregatedProperty> </TwilightZone>
The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /ws/OxygenZones.asmx/GetZoneEvenIfDynamic HTTP/1.1 Host: twilight.tntsports.io Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: length zoneId=string
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TwilightZone xmlns="http://twilight.sti.eurosport.tv/"> <Name>string</Name> <Description>string</Description> <IsHead>boolean</IsHead> <IsDynamic>boolean</IsDynamic> <PathInfo>string</PathInfo> <Category>string</Category> <SubCategory>string</SubCategory> <ZoneType>Classic or Menu or NeedsPageUrl or OAS or Aggregate or MayBeGeolocalized</ZoneType> <AcceptedMimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> <MimeType>NotSet or Html or Rss or Xml or Json or React or Graphql</MimeType> </AcceptedMimeType> <Properties> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> <_publicName>string</_publicName> <Name>string</Name> <NameInZone>string</NameInZone> <Description>string</Description> <PropertyType>string</PropertyType> <InitialValue>string</InitialValue> <IsShared>boolean</IsShared> <ZoneId>int</ZoneId> <DisplayOption>None or NotEditable or Invisible</DisplayOption> </TwilightZonePropertyDefinition> </Properties> <QueryParams> <string>string</string> <string>string</string> </QueryParams> <AvailableContexts> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> <TypeNu>All or None or Sport or Player or Team or Event or Match or Venue or Round or Group or Country or Agency or Competition or Gender or Vehicle or Story or Discipline or Video or Picture or Topic or Family or Season or Slideshow or UserVideo or Label or User or VodGroup or LiveCoverageGroup or BlogPost or RecurringEvent or Standing or City or TvSchedule or CatchUpVideo or List or Ply_Family or Ply_Product or Ply_Stream or Ply_VideoPremiumGroup or Ply_Offer or Ply_Country or Menu or Profile or QuickPoll or LiveIcon or DataProvider or Animation or Channel or PromotionList or Ply_CableOperator or Ply_BroadcastingTemplate or Ply_PrdGroupChild or Ply_Channel or Tag or Classification or Blog or BlogPostCategory or TVChannel or TVDay or LiveStream or Map or StandingCategory or UserComment or AliasUrl or SeoLetter or SeoDate or FootballStatistic or InFlowAsset or MenuItem or OlympicChannelVideo or InFlowChannel or ViewAll</TypeNu> </AvailableContexts> <AggregatedProperty>None or Labels or Javascript or Css</AggregatedProperty> </TwilightZone>